Stephen Mayeux ist ein Englisch-Lehrer und wohnt mit seiner Ehefrau in Seoul in Südkorea. Als gebürtiger Amerikaner stellt Stephen exklusiv für Pro Linguis ein Video Gastblog zur Verfügung und stellt gleich persönlich einige American Greetings vor, die das traditionelle “Hi, how are you!” ersetzen
Video Transkript
What’s up, guys? My name is Stephen Mayeux, and this is a guest video blog for I’m from the United States, and in America we like to greet each other in many different ways. In this video, I’m going to give you some alternatives to the plain, boring, old “How are you?”
You can say:
- What’s up?
- What’s cooking?
- What’s going on?
- How ya doing?
- How’s it hanging?
- How’s it going?
A little advice: If somebody asks you a question beginning with “What”, for example, What’s up? What’s cooking? What’s going on?, you shouldn’t answer with “Good”. If somebody asks you What’s up? What’s cooking? What’s going on?, just say “Nothing much.” This is a good, generic answer that means everything. It means you’re doing great, you’re doing badly, you’re doing very well. So remember: What’s up? What’s cooking? What’s going on? “Nothing much! What’s up with you?”
Thanks for checking out my video. I’m a serious online teacher, but I also like to have fun. If you want to learn English with my Hip-Hop and Rap lessons, just go to my website If you’re looking for a serious English teacher, I can also help you out with business and test preparation.
This is it! This has been a video for prolinguis, and I’ll check you guys out later. Peace!